Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How God is like a fresh picked pineapple

We had a great day. Started the day at a girls ministry. We had been getting ready to do some skits music and crafts with them.when we got there we found out they had gotten stuff ready for us to. They taught us two dances, how to write our names in their language, two games, they put on a fasion show of Cambodian outfits, and did a skit. I love it becaues in America people have a hard time saying my name right the first time but here they all say it right the first time! :) I juggled for the girls. I was so nerves, so I kind of messed up.
Latter on we went to Wat Phnom witch is a Buddist temple. At Wat Phnom we were part of a boy's club. We did skits ,music, juggling, and crafts. There was this one little baby who came with am older brother. The brother may have been 8. Any ways the baby was so cute. I was holding it and loving on it. When they were leaving the baby waved to me from across the area we were at. The crafts were kind of crazy though because all 40 of the kids wanted to make the same mask and we only had ten of each masks made. So we had to cut out them right there while the boys were running around. The guys in our group were great, they cut out the masks for us.
This entire day was just a huge blessing. God is so cool and the more I do what He has planed for me the more I fall in love with Him. I believe the difference between joy and happiness is happiness is a feeling. You can be happy because u have money or because you got a good grade on a test but how long does that last? Joy is a gift from God. It's totally spirital. It is in the littlest most unimportant things that God gives it to you. Like holding a baby that is covered in dirt, seeing how happy and full of life those women are, riding in a tuk tuk with Um Judy, Laura, and Scott, juggling out side a Buddist temple...
In the words of Bradley Hathaway "How amazingly awesome is Your plan that can not be thwarted by any man... Because through You is victory... Lord I praise You because You're different. And efficient. And You've tweaked my spirit just enough so that I can taste and see that YOU truly are good. Like a fresh picked pineapple for the first time in my mouth... I will praise Your name today. And tomorrow. Forever. "
~Jona-Lynn Hagerstrom

1 comment:

  1. that is really great to have such a description and read your thoughts along with it for what you are all doing out there!! Thanks for writing! I am sure you did a great job with the skits and all! May He continue to bless you all and those you encounter!
