Thursday, January 12, 2012

Time is Almost Up

I have seen God in absolutely everything on this trip. From willing NGOs to healthy bodies. From the impact of each organization to the perfect team of students put together for this trip. From the tears to the laughter. From the smells, sounds, tastes and sights. From the sunbeams on our skin to the full moon shrouded in clouds. God has made himself known here.

As many hard things as we have seen, as many heartbreaking stories, I never felt the absense of God. On the contrary, I felt him so very strongly on the streets of bankok filled with bars. I felt his love waiting to be noticed on the riverfront in Phnom Penh. His spirit and his light dance through the darkest club, the dirtiest massage parlor, and the most disturbing brothels. God is not afraid of the evil. He will fight to take back his people from the hold of the devil. Join him! He loves with a fire that I, in this life, can never hope to understand.


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